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1957 Chevy 210

1957 Chevy 210


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As teenagers in the 80’s, my sister and I used to listen to 50’s music full blast as we drove to our summer job cleaning cabins. I imagined living in that era and driving a pink car. When I saw this Chevy Bel Air, it brought back all those memories of cruising down the road with my sister with the wind blowing in our hair, and belting out 50’s tunes at the top of our lungs.

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As teenagers in the 80’s, my sister and I used to listen to 50’s music full blast as we drove to our summer job cleaning cabins. I imagined living in that era and driving a pink car. When I saw this Chevy Bel Air, it brought back all those memories of cruising down the road with my sister with the wind blowing in our hair, and belting out 50’s tunes at the top of our lungs.

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